Senior Change Manager
Maia, Norte, PT, 4470-116 Viana do Castelo, PT, 4900-568 Viana do Castelo, PT, 4925 – 432
A ENERCON, é uma empresa líder de mercado e tecnologia no setor da energia eólica, com mais de 35 anos de história. Como pioneira no fabrico de turbinas de energia, com um conceito característico de produção, torna-se única e diferenciadora no mercado.
Senior Change Manager
Shaping the ENERCON organization sustainably and partnering transformations with passion for change management
A ENERCON está ainda na liderança em áreas específicas do negócio, como o design das pás de rótor, controlo tecnológico, tecnologia de ligação à rede e, com todas estas inovações de ponta, mostra toda a sua força e capacidade de crescer e desenvolvimento.
As suas tarefas:
- Advising managers, project managers and change initiators on change management procedures and organisational principles
- Support for group-wide change projects (structural change, digitalisation, etc.) using change management methods
- Continuous management of stakeholders in order to coordinate, identify, structure and harmonise change requirements
- Identifying need for change, risks and opportunities of changes
- Conception and management of change projects
- Applying and communicating change management methods in the course of change projects
- Analysing the need for change, deriving change impacts, designing a change roadmap and implementing change management measures
- Further development and review of organisational principles as well as advising various stakeholders on organisational principles and guidelines
- Further development and provision of templates and best practices for the implementation of reorganisations and other change projects
- Anchoring Organisational Development & Change Management methods in project, process and people management
- Conception, moderation and preparation of workshops
- Contributing to the further development of modern organisational development methods with focus on agile methods, the use of AI and the design of a corporate organisation of the future (roles, networks, etc.)
As suas qualificações:
- Strong analytical thinking and a high level of abstraction skills
- Consultancy skills
- Moderation skills
- Strong communication skills
- Confident and empathetic interaction with executives and business managers
Benefícios concedidos
- Regime de Trabalho Híbrido
- Extra-dias de férias
- Rede de Pareceiros de Descontos
Ines Maria Areias Barros Marques